say their sayの例文


  1. Books that say their say without droning on at encyclopedia length are also one of our endangered pleasures.
  2. As you may have read, an impressive bipartisan batch of politicians ( Sen . Bill Bradley and Sen . Alan K . Simpson ), freelance public scolds ( Newton N . Minow ), broadcasting icons ( Walter Cronkite ), actors ( Alec Baldwin ) and several score other personages are calling on the networks to give the presidential candidates a few minutes of prime time every night through the last month of the campaign to say their say.


  1. "say the last word"の例文
  2. "say the least of it"の例文
  3. "say the name"の例文
  4. "say the word"の例文
  5. "say the words"の例文
  6. "say thin"の例文
  7. "say this"の例文
  8. "say this and that"の例文
  9. "say this sooner"の例文
  10. "say to"の例文
  11. "say the word"の例文
  12. "say the words"の例文
  13. "say thin"の例文
  14. "say this"の例文

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